Unless otherwise specified, pictures contained in this section are from “Special Collections, Cleveland State University Library” and reprinted with express permission (and special thanks to Lynn Bycko.) For additional references please see the Cleveland Memory Project at www.clevelandmemory.org.
Other sources/references include:
—WW II photographs include public domain images of the Roosevelts throughout their respective lifetimes, as well as subject areas like the Great Depression, New Deal, and World War II. All items in the FDR library are public domain and can be found at www.archives.gov and http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/archives/collections/franklin/
—The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website at www.USHMM.org
—Special thanks to my wonderful editor, mentor, and friend, Lorraine Fico-White of Magnifico Manuscripts—always there with a helping hand and expert advice.
—St. Patrick’s Church—especially Fr. Michael Gurnick (via Scott Menningen) for permissive use of church and school photos. Reference: www.stpatrickbridge.org
—Dr. Cecelia Mylett & Mark Patrick Caine for the photos of Grace O'Malley's castle
—Mooseheart–especially Gary Urwiler (Executive Director), Scott Hart (Director General of the Moose Fraternity), and Colleen Morgan (Assistant to the Directors of Mooseheart Child City and School, Inc.) Reference: www.mooseheart.org
—All those working at the North Olmsted, Ohio BMV for their assistance in researching Ohio driving laws and fees in the 1930s.
—Jan Wellen for the picture of Pervitin
—Multiple public domain Getty images
—Additional Holocaust source can be found at: Facing History & Ourselves, 08/02/2016, “What Did the World Know”, facinghistory.org. This article contains a summary of how the British and Russians learned of the holocaust as early as 1941. Correspondents from America, via the United Press, first documented German atrocities in 1942. The Los Angeles Times wrote: “Nazis kill million Jews, says Survey” –facts supported by the New York Journal American.
—Harry B. Torn for pictures of mid-1970s Cleveland's Flats outside D'Poo's Restaurant (contained in Author--> Party Time!)
—My son, Sean Patrick, for assistance with my website and his constant loving support
—My dear friend, MK, McClintock, for creating exquisite book covers for both my novels. They are a work of art appreciated by all.
Despite meticulous research, resurrecting a past that encompasses more than a century can be fraught with inaccuracies. Therefore, any errors are mine and mine alone. Also, there is no unauthorized use of this website without express permission of the author. Last, Growing Up O'Malley is registered and copyrighted by The Copyright Office prohibiting any unauthorized use without express permission of the author.