Lampl Knitwear Company
From 1939 until her marriage in 1943, Ellen O'Malley worked at Lampl Knitwear—manufactured knitwear for women and men—including casual wear, formal wear, sportswear, and donating certain products for the war effort. Ellen worked her way up from a secretary to Accounts Payable. Her new job title included her own office and secretary. In addition to these perks, Ellen kept on her desk a Belleek crystal water pitcher and glasses (to share with coworkers) that, to her, was a sign she had arrived. Shortly before her marriage, Ellen was talking to one of her coworkers about their boss, Mr. Lampl—complaining how strict and difficult he was. Ellen extolled the virtues of Mr. Lampl. Without realizing it, Mr. Lampl was in the room next door and overheard their exchange. To reward her loyalty, he paid for Ellen's wedding reception.
1936 ad for Lampl Knitwear